- We work with private sector, governments, NGOs, foundations, alliances, funders, and institutions on strategies, funding, events, and reports.
- We have a unique ability to build partnerships and alliances between the private sector, public sector and civil society.

Building digital health strategies & initiatives and guiding their implementation in LMICs
- Acting as Senior Digital Health Advisor to a global health tech company for Africa (2024)
- Senior Digital Health Advisor for Smart Africa to launch a continental Digital Health Blueprint and define their strategy. Raised funds for the initiative (2023 – ongoing)
- Defined a 5-year roadmap for the Togolese government to digitalize the health sector in the country (2023)
- Built the African digital health strategy for a large diagnostics manufacturer and implemented first steps of the digitalization strategy (2021-2022)
- Supported development of the health tech strategy of a large NGO (2022)
- Built a digital health strategy for the global health department of a large pharmaceutical company (2021-2022)
- Acted as Senior Digital Health Advisor to a large pharma foundation (2016-2018)
- Co-wrote the Senegal National Digital Health Strategy with the Senegalese government (2018)
- Conducted a strategic analysis of a digital-solutions provider for diagnostics data (2018)
- Built strategy for a scale-up telemedicine company and led its international development (2018-2019)
- We developed a strategy for a Senegalese virtual pharmacy service start-up (2020)
Advancing the global digital health agenda through advocacy & public affairs
- Supported advocating and mobilizing resources for Africa Health Tech Summit, Kigali (2023)
- Triggered and co-organized the Smart Africa digital health hub, Transform Africa (2018)
- Wrote a paper & article for Transform Health on private sector investments in equitable and inclusive digital transformation of health systems in LMICs (2022)
- Supported ITU and WHO AFRO in building partnerships and mobilizing resources for the expansion of national digital health platforms or information infrastructures in Africa (2018)
- Provided direction and built working groups for digital health to the UN Ad-Hoc Broadband Commission (2017, 2018, 2021-2022)
- Advocated for French government stronger international involvement in digital health and co-wrote a policy brief with an influential think-tank, Santé Mondiale 2030 (2021)
- Impulsed multiple workshops and panels for digital health at the World Health Assembly, Mobile World Congress, and UN General Assembly & miscellaneous conferences with
- World Bank and EU
- Inter-American Development Bank, French Development Bank
- Foundations
- Sitting on advisory boards such as Women in Tech, IT4Life, Pierre Fabre Foundation Digital Health, Commonwealth Center for Digital Health

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